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Schoolbook has it here.
This is not going to get off the ground the way the Tweedies say it will, of course.
It's a mess waiting to happen.
So many moving parts, so many ways for it to go wrong and so many potential opportunities for lawsuits.
Should be an eventful couple of years until the first lawsuits get under way.
Many of the teachers in my school who originally supported the Common Core Federal Standards because they thought the old NY State standards were poorly designed have been jumping off the CCFS bandwagon as they've gotten a glimpse of what these standards actually entail and how they're going to be used to bludgeon teachers.
There are still a few supporters left - but very few.
I am going to say that once this APPR training system goes into place and the vast majority of NYC teachers get a gander at what is coming for them in the new evaluation law, there will be very few supporters of a new evaluation system outside of the dozen Asshat4Educators who haven't left for Gates Foundation-funded greener pastures.
And if the UFT leadership sends around Unity hacks to talk this crap up, they're going to be met with scorn.
Because there's no way this horseshit can be dressed up to be anything but horseshit.
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