20 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

FreshConnect and Farmers' Market Nutrition Programs Update: Program Season Extended Statewide

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The following alerts come from the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets program staff.Due to the severe weatherconditions the downstate region experienced as a result of Hurricane Sandy, incollaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the NYFarmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) has been granted permission to extend theprogram season statewide as follows:·        Recipients may continue to exchange FMNP checksfor fresh, local produce through Saturday, December 1st  ·        Authorized farmers may continue to deposit FMNPchecks at KeyBank branches through Friday, December 14thFarmers who experience any difficulty transacting their FMNPchecks at non-KeyBank branches should continue to contact our agency forsupport. Given the deadline extension we will not be in a position toreimburse for “late checks” after December 14th, 2012. Also,keep in mind that while farmers may deposit any volume of checks, no more than250 checks per day may be cashed “on-the-spot” at KeyBank branches. Allother program rules and regulations apply.

________________________________________________________Due to the severe weatherconditions the downstate farmers marketing region experienced as a result ofHurricane Sandy, the FreshConnect Program has decided to extend the program season statewide asfollows:·        Fresh Connect Checks may be issued to SNAPrecipients through Saturday, December 1st, 2012·        Fresh Connect Checks may be exchanged for SNAPeligible food items through Saturday, December 1st, 2012·        Fresh Connect Checks may be submitted forreimbursement through Friday, December 14th , 2012
In addition, due to the poweroutages in your farmers market region, and the fact that SNAP EBT wirelessterminals require electricity to operate, special permission to issue FreshConnect Checks is being granted as follows: ·        At farmers markets operating in the affectedregion, Fresh Connect Checks may be issued to SNAP recipients without thepurchase of $5.00 of SNAP benefits. Maximum issuance of checks in thisway should be $10.00, or five (5) Fresh Connect Checks, per SNAPrecipient, per market day.Farmers who experience any difficulty reimbursing theirFresh Connect Checks should continue to contact our agency for support. All other program rules and regulations apply.

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