25 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

SAIC CityTime: What is this not Front Page News? Cover-Ups Continue for SAIC & NYC Gov. Officials

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Where are the arrests at City Hall?
Jay Walder before you say Sayonara I want Preet Bharara to ask you and your co-workers what they know about the MTA SAIC deal that almost was.
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/07/jay-walder-mta-head-bye-bye-did-you.htmlRudy Giuliani brought in this scam CityTime to replace a payroll system that city workers created and ran that worked called AutoTime.   Rudy threw it out and brought in CityTime which I dubbed The Tax Payers Titanic!  Rudy brought in SAIC and the rest is history.  CityTime was a lemon and SAIC knew this but billed us obscene amounts of money.  SAIC won the Dwight Eisenhower Award for helping small business specifically sub-contractors and guess what they were stealing as well....it was a hierarchy of theft.
TechnoDyne owner, a major sub-contractor won the Ernst Young award http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/06/29/idUS144663+29-Jun-2010+BW20100629  which I reported way before Jim Dwyer of The New York Times!
Mike Bloomberg said we would get all of the 80 million the Spherion consultants stole back.
Last time I heard anything we had only gotten aprox. 27 million dollars back.
Is Mike going to make up the difference?  http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/390855/couple_charged_massive_nyc_software_project_scam/Than there are the Allens who via their company TechnoDyne who mystically and magically were able to get on an airplane to India and vanish....making the third in the ever expanding CityTime (pay roll system fraud) to escape to a country that we do not have an extradition agreement with!  http://www.businessinsider.com/reddy-padma-allen-citytime-2011-6
We have spent more than a billion dollars if you include throwing away payroll systems that worked including Mike Bloomberg in concert with SAIC rushing to expand after Sept. 28 forcing many NYC gov. divisions transfer over to CityTime a system that is not worth the money and will not start saving the City of New York money for at least 100 years.
We want our money back plus damages and RICO charges applied to SAIC who continues to plead ignorance but that is laughable.   SAIC did the same thing to the FBI way before Gerard Denault started working for them.
SAIC has and had auditors and Gerard Denault had bosses!  SAIC knew SAIC was a lemon before Gerard Denault came in to the picture and just look at how the MTA and SAIC aggressively pushed a deal that we fought because it going to be another set-up to gauge the tax payers of NYC.   The MTA, SAIC and NYC gov. made a deal as exposed by Greg Mocker of WPIX that if SAIC went over budget the bill would go to NYC gov.
Preet Bharara have Jay Walder, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page and Rose Gill Hearn explain that deal along with how a lot more that remains unanswered like Mike Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearns informercials I call flat out lies that CityTime works!  If so  why is NYC gov looking at new pay roll systems?
Give us our money back plus damages x 3!

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